What We Do

What we do

The Presbytery of Essex Kent is a legal body which oversees the congregations within its geographic area. Presbytery consists of an equal number of ministers and elders.

Its main responsibility is the “care and good order of the churches within its bounds,” which includes:

• ensuring that the Word of God is “purely preached, the sacraments rightly administered, the discipline rightly maintained” and to oversee the management of church property;
• sending visitation teams to congregations for inspections regularly or as needed;
• overseeing and approve the call of new ministers;
• providing care and supervision of its ministers; and
• approving candidates for ministry and providing care during their studies.

Presbytery is one of four courts (governing bodies) within The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Within this hierarchy, each congregation’s Session reports to Presbytery, which answers to the Synod. The highest court is the national General Assembly which meets once per year.
Source: Book of Forms